The role of genes... SOCIOLOGY

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In my opinion genes are playing a big role in people’s life and behavior. Since we’ve born, our parents are building up our character; they are trying to give us the best things and want us to be successful and all-sufficient person. But anyway, from my point of view, a person character is mostly depends on his genes. Take just for instance situation from my family. My little cousin‘s character is very similar to his father. The ways they deal with some situation are mostly overlapping, but not everything. Maybe some will think that he just copying his father’s behavior, but I want to say that he didn’t live with him, because his father was usually being away on business, and several years later his parents get divorced. So he was living with his mother, but even he didn’t really saw his father a lot, the character in his genes he got mostly from his father. Maybe 50% of character built by external surroundings and 50% of genes. But it could be not true. It’s just my opinion.